Apple Pay: The Most Secure Way To Buy Things
Apple Pay - it’s one of those “wow” moments for me that Apple is able to deliver on once every few years. From the first time I placed my fingerprint on Touch ID, to paying for something by scanning my face, to double clicking the side button on the Apple Watch, I truly do believe that using Apple Pay to buy something is the most secure and seamless experience out there.
Lets discuss why it’s secure. Every transaction uses a unique transaction number which isn’t your real credit card number. Let’s unpack this. So let’s say your credit card number during a transaction was compromised, but you were using Apple Pay. This simply wouldn’t matter because the number is generated every single time for a one time use on a per transaction basis. Pretty cool, right?
It’s incredibly convenient to not have to pull out your wallet or purse in a public place. For instance, let’s say you’re in a NYC Taxi or a crowded store, Apple Pay using iPhone or Apple Watch will give you the ability to double click the side button and pay. It really is as easy as that.
Now the Apple Watch works by taking it’s marching orders from the Watch app on iPhone. You get your credit cards on your Watch by adding the card in the Wallet & Apple Pay section in the Watch App. If you have the credit card on your iPhone, adding that card to your Watch is a breeze by clicking the “Add” button. You can also set your default card, shipping address, email, and phone from that section of the Watch App as well for further automation and ease. Now on Apple Watch Series 3 and later, and iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus and later, you can add up to 12 cards on a device! A lot of cards, I know…On earlier models, you can add up to eight cards on a device.
You can set a default card to pay with so that card will always be the first card that is ready to use when you activate Apple Pay.
Another great feature about Apple Pay is that you are able to see your transaction history in the Wallet App on your iPhone.
This past keynote Apple has announced their further integration into their ecosystem with their Credit Card. This is a digital and physical credit card that is being backed by Goldman Sachs. The info specific to this is that you get 3% cash back on Apple Store products purchased, 2% when you use Apple Pay for any items, and 1% when you use the physical card. I’m sure we we see even deeper integration between iOS, watchOS, and macOS in future updates as they become available to the public.

This is another example of Apple taking something that is a bit old and broken, and making it approachable. I can absolutely get behind their idea of demystifying credit card statements being hard to read and understand, by making them accessible, clean, and concise. Let’s face it, most of the times credit cards are a bit complex with charges attached to a strange vendor codes. They will de-mystify these purchase codes for us so we know exactly what that purchase was.
So the next time you have the chance, give Apple Pay a try. From a security perspective, ease of use, and the cool factor — it’s a no-brainer.
Be well.