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Configuration Profiles - What are they, and do you have any installed?

Configuration Profiles - What are they, and do you have any installed?

For many years we have heard that Apple Devices are the most secure devices to use. Well I'd still argue that is true today, but there are a few things to keep an eye out for. Now to this day I'd argue that there is no such thing as a "virus" for your iPhone or iPad, but there are some attempts by companies that trick you into installing a management profile. A Configuration Profile (when used incorrectly) would be the closest thing to a "virus" as we may have one known it.

Now before we go sounding the guard about the security of an Apple Product, let's discuss what a configuration profile does. By definition it is a way to control or manage an  device. There are many good reasons an  device would have a configuration profile installed.

One of them would be if they were given out to you by your company as a work device. This is very good way for enterprise and business to manage, deploy, and report on devices owned by the company. This configuration profile could also be used by your company to deploy corporate wifi settings, restrictions, etc.

Another reason would be if a configuration profile was installed directly from Apple. Most recently I have seen people use a config profile to get the Pre-Release Beta Install and Updates for Apples new mobile operating system iOS 12, which is launching this Fall. The profile talks directly to Apple, and it allows the iPhone or iPad wirelessly to update to this pre-released beta software.

Now on your personal device, let's find out if you have any configuration profiles installed. Navigate to Settings -- General -- Profiles & Device Management. If you don't see that option, hooray, you don't have any configuration profiles installed! If you do, be sure to click into that setting to see what is installed. From here you have the option to view that profile and select "Remove Management" if it's not something you're aware of. Or better yet, I recommend for you to research what the profile is to better educate yourself and others about the profile.

Two specific configuration profiles I have seen on users phones lately have been something called “The Daily Doppler” and "vShare Store". Regardless if they are trying to play by the rules or not, in all of my years I've never seen a certified App from the iOS App Store that would enforce the use of one of these profiles.

Be careful out there my friends. With how much data is being shared be sure to always take control of your devices!

Be well.


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